Choose a package

  • Purchase Package:

  • (£0.00 for one job listed for 14 days)

    • Price: Free.
    • Duration: 14 days.
    • Benefits: This option allows you to list one job for free for 14 days.
    • Free Listings: Free Adverts are a great option if you have a limited budget and want to get your job listings out there. However, keep in mind that these listings may not stand out as much as the paid options.

  • (£129.00 for 1 job listed for 30 days)

    • Price: £129.00 per job.
    • Duration: 30 days.
    • Benefits: Featured Adverts are more prominently displayed and are more likely to catch the attention of job seekers. They may appear at the top of search results or have other special placement.
    • Featured Adverts: It is a good choice if you have specific job listings that are particularly important to your organization and you want them to get maximum visibility.

  • (£189.00 for 2 job listings for 30 days)

    • Price: £189.00 for 2 job listings.
    • Duration: 30 days.
    • Benefits: Premium Adverts offer a good balance between visibility and cost-effectiveness. You can list two jobs for a reasonable price, and they are likely to be more prominently displayed than Free Adverts.
    • Premium Adverts: It is a cost-effective choice if you have multiple important job listings. They provide good visibility without the cost of Featured Adverts.
Select a package from above and submit.

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